Yesterday, we were very lucky to have a visit of the internationally well known artist, Cassils to our show. They gave us thoughtful and generous critiques for each piece in the show. This was not …
Pryde’s First Show at Gallery 7 a Success
The first show at Gallery 7 of this semester was created by a new 4D grad, Emma Pryde. It was named “Misery is a Butterfly”, and the show was a great success. The Gallery 7’s …
First Year Review Exhibition
It is very difficult to curate an exhibition with seventeen completely different pieces of artwork that were not created to be viewed as a group and have no underlying theme but this show turned out …
Meg Mitchell feature on
Assistant Professor, Meg Mitchell, was recently featured on for her work titled, Tenacious numismatic hops exchange (TNHE): a hop garden for unyielding people, which will live on the rooftop of the Madison Museum of Contemporary …
Inside the Tesseract: 4D Area Exhibition
The first 4D area group exhibition for the 2016/17 school year was a definite success. There was a diverse range of media presented in the show all the way from performance to video to photography …
Digital Media at UW-Madison
The Digital Media area provides classes and faculty which allow students to expand their use of digital media tools in the context of their own fine art practice. Classes offered cover a wide range of …
Art 318: Performance Critique
Jose Teixeira’s Art 318: Introduction to Video, Performance and Installation class is off to a great start! Last week was their first critique and I was blown away by the groups’ cooperation and maturity as …
2016 Wisconsin Triennial
There was a great turn out for the 2016 Wisconsin Triennial held at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. It was so inspiring to have the pleasure of seeing the work of UW professors. Students …
Welcome to the updated 4D site!
As week three of classes is coming to an end, the 4D area is launching our newly renovated website and blog featuring information and resources about the area, including Digital Media and Performance, Video and Social …