It is very difficult to curate an exhibition with seventeen completely different pieces of artwork that were not created to be viewed as a group and have no underlying theme but this show turned out great non-the-less. The one obvious thing that it seemed to be lacking was any kind of media or performance works. It did, however, include work that suggested performance or referenced a performance that happened outside of the gallery.
Though the works vary greatly in both medium and content, the themes of witnessing, deciphering, and language are threads that run throughout the show. Situated as we are in a time of volatility and change, the act of witnessing we believe is one of the most important tools available to us as artists.
The exhibition included take-away zine catalogues that were machine sewn on the binding. Inside was information about each artists’ work including dimensions, media, a brief artist statement and an image of the work so viewers could have the opportunity for further reflection after leaving the gallery space.

Artists featured in the exhibition: Justin Bergin, Adriana Barrios, Chloe Darke, Anthony Debner-Hanson, Alecander Donnelly, Eric Ford, Carissa Heinrichs, Mariah Tate Klemens, Gloriann Langva, Anna Lehner, James Pederson, Emily Rudolph, Taylor Rushing, Amanda Sciullo, Sarah Stankey, Chelsea Thompto, Anders Zanichkowsky
January 23, 2017 – February 3, 2017
Lofts Gallery
Art Lofts Building, Madison, WI, 53703