The first 4D area group exhibition for the 2016/17 school year was a definite success. There was a diverse range of media presented in the show all the way from performance to video to photography and installation work. Though there was no real “theme”, the pieces were, for the most part, laid out in a manner that fasciliated a harmonious flow through the whole space. I also enjoyed how the title of the show played into things, a tesseract is the four-dimensional analog of a cube. It seemed like a smart way to tie everything together in an exhibition that really didn’t have a curator, but rather was organized entirely by the artists featured in it.
The exhibition also provided the 4D area with valuable insight into what technical equipment we are lacking. Stay tuned for an updated inventory list with some new items!

Inside the Tesseract featured work by the following MFA and PhD students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Timothy Arment
Hellen J. Bullard
Grant Gustafson
Rebecca Kautz
Mariah Tate Klemens
Michael Moriarty
Taylor Wright Rushing
Andrew Salyer
Sarah J. Stankey
Chelsea Thompto
Anders Zanichkowsky