The first show at Gallery 7 of this semester was created by a new 4D grad, Emma Pryde. It was named “Misery is a Butterfly”, and the show was a great success.
The Gallery 7’s big space was filled with her work. Paintings, sculptures, and video work invited audiences into her fantasy environment that explores mythology, fetishism, childhood, femininity, and consumerism through iconography and popular culture.

The pastel colors and cute objects brought sentiment, nostalgia, and the idea of the dark side of the society we are in. In her karaoke video of Blonde Redhead’s “Misery is a Butterfly” (the eventual title of the show), she shows Princess Diana’s visits to Japan. I felt the piece captures all the themes mentioned above, moreover, the repetition of the video reminded me of the endless human obsession towards idols… It might be our karma.This was my personal favorite in the show.

Although it has been only a month since she entered our program, it was exciting to see that she can already bring a quality show on this scale.

Our department is having the annual 4D show which will open on October 30th at Gallery 7 in Humanity Building. I will post further information on here soon! Stay tuned.
(Yoshinori Asai)